What do you need to know?

Due to the current outbreak our centre is closed until further notice along with all activities and events!

Follow The Latest, with the NHS: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/

Gov: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus

and EU: https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/covid-19-pandemic


Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that
cause illness ranging from the common cold to
more severe disease. COVID-19 is the infectious
disease caused by the novel coronavirus (SARSCoV-2).

How does the virus spread?
People can catch COVID-19 from others who have
the virus through inhaling small droplets from
infected people who cough or sneeze or through
touching contaminated surfaces and then
touching nose, mouth or eyes.

What are the symptoms?
Most people who become infected experience
mild illness and recover, but for some it can be
more severe. The symptoms include a
combination of:

– Fever

– Cough

– Difficulty breathing

– Muscle Pain

– Tiredness


> Avoid close contact with sick people,
especially people who are coughing or

> Cough and sneeze in your elbow or in a
tissue, NOT your hand. Dispose of the used
tissue immediately in a closed bin and wash
your hands with soap and water.

> Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
without washing your hands first.

> Regularly wash your hands with soap and
water for at least 20 seconds OR use an
alcohol-based disinfectant after
coughing/sneezing, before eating and
preparing food, after toilet use, after
touching surfaces in public places

> Practice social distancing: Maintain at least
1 metre distance between yourself and
others, especially anyone who is coughing
or sneezing.

What to do if you fall ill?

If you have been to an area affected by COVID-19
with risk of exposure OR have been in contact with
a person who has COVID-19 AND within 14 days
you develop cough, fever, or shortness of breath:


1. Stay at home and do not go to work or school.


2. Do not go to the doctor or hospital. You
could infect other people. If you need to
contact your doctor or visit the emergency
service, call in advance; always indicate your
symptoms, travel history or contacts.


Stay healthy while travelling

If you travel to areas with risk of exposure to

– Practice strict hygiene measures

– Maintain social distance as much as possible,

– Follow the NHS health advice.

Avoid travelling if you are sick.

Masks are not recommended as
protection from COVID-19.
Healthy people do not need to wear
masks unless they care for a person ill
with COVID-19.

Masks should be reserved for healthcare
workers and those who care for ill persons
at home.

Improper use of masks may lead to
further spread. Masks are effective only
when used in combination with frequent
hand-cleaning with soap and water or
alcohol-based disinfectant.


One thought on “Coronavirus, COVID-19 Update”

  1. Huge thanks to everyone who is working so hard to keep things going, particularly want to thank Kim and foodbank team for their amazing efforts!

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