News & Events

News & Events

Activities in the Week

> Wellbeing Morning With Sharon, 9:30 – 11:30am

> The Billelsey Ark Knitters run by Ruth, afternoons 12pm to 3:00pm.

> Children’s dance club ages for children 5 or above, evening 4:30pm – 8:30pm contact Hayley – 07804943607.

> The Billesley Ark’s Food pantry between 9:30am – 12pm, £1 to register for the year then £5 a parcel and you get £15/20 worth of food.

> The Billelsey Ark Knitters run by Ruth, 5pm to 7pm.

> Drama Club – Stand out drama and performing arts group. We meet every week in school term time on Tuesday evening from 5pm – 6:30 pm and work on performing Malachi’s unique therapeutic musicals as well as confidence building sessions and performing musicals.

> Tae Kwon-Do, 7pm – 9 pm

> Lunch Club, 12pm – 2pm 

> Karate for all levels 5:30pm – 7:30pm contact Matt – 07968505456.

> The Billesley Ark Slimming World – Your local Slimming World group 9:30am – 12pm.

> Children’s gymnastics 5 or above  4:30 – 7:30pm contact Hayley – 07804943607.

> The Billesley Ark Café from 10am – 1pm.

> Dance age 12 and above contact Hayley – 07968505456.

> Karate all ages and abilities 10am – 12pm, Contact Carl – 07884117680.

> Kickboxing 5pm – 7:00pm.